Los videos (y los artículos) de Nicaragua

I've posted some interesting videos, varying on subject, relating to Nicaragua. Warning: Some are in Spanish but are slightly interpretable. If you can't, just pay attention to the images. They are a story in themselves.

Eligiendo Democracia - "Choosing Democracy"

"In November, Nicaraguans will participate in their fourth Presidential election. The campaign is hot, the issues vital. What is the best way to combat poverty? What role will Nicaragua have in the global marketplace? What kind of country will the children of Nicaragua inherit? Nothing less than the future of the nation is at stake, and everybody has an opinion. Seasoned politicians Daniel Ortega and Jose Rizo face formidable opposition from first time candidates Eduardo Montealegre, Edmundo Jarq"
Note: the video appears unavailable but the link should work

Source: http://www.lonelyplanet.tv/Default.aspx

Tour of Nicargua

"This is one of Phil Buccellato's short travel videos he put together before "The Experience." It is a quick tour of some of Nicaragua's most beautiful locations. " What you get to see are some of the cultural aspects of Nicaragua, almost like it was you walking down the streets.

Source: http://www.travelistic.com/video/show/568/Tour-of-Nicaragua

Travel Nicaragua - Video Postcard

A brief, commercialized view of Nicaragua however it does offer some neat information and photos of the country.

Source: http://www.youtube.com/

Finally, I will leave you with some more links to newspaper articles about Nicaragua. For more stories and information, please visit http://topics.cnn.com/topics/nicaragua#aCurrentPage.

Nicaragua's Great Leap Forward

"The country's ex-Marxist president says that the economic basket case can become the bread basket of Latin America, precisely because its farms are so backward"

Source: http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1738460,00.html?xid=feed-cnn-topics

Nicaragua Breaks Diplomatic Relations with Colombia

"Nicaragua President Daniel Ortega said Thursday that the nation is breaking relations with Colombia "in solidarity with the Ecuadoran people."

Source: http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/americas/03/06/nic.colombia/index.html#cnnSTCText


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