Long Time No Talk

Hey everyone. So its been a while since my last blog. Not much has happened in my life to be honest. If you want a laugh about my Sunday, read Jess DB´s blog about it...very funny and oh so accurate.

But my first week back was horribly boring, which is so unfortunate. Because of this influenza scare going around all workshops with kids were cancelled this week at FUNARTE (there was apparently a case of flu at one of the schools we work with). So instead I spent every day, 7 hours a day working on a manta WHICH I found out today that I was not supposed to do because the projection was bad. Of course. I like doing mantas, I do, but every day all the time is really long and I more enjoy working and playing with the kids. My last three weeks will have to be spent soaking up all the wonderfulness of the children and their painting.

For some reason, Siobhan, Jess and I have a week off...something like its our organizations vacation times or something. I feel kind of bad getting this vacation seeing as I was off last week sick, worked one week and then get another one off. But we´ve decided to take advantage of this time and go visit Granada and Isla de Ometepe from Sunday to Thursday/Friday. A couple nights in Granada and a couple on Ometepe. We´re super excited...carriage rides in Granada, a tour of las Isletas; then onto Ometepe for some sun and fun at Playa Santo Domingo and a visit to a nature reserve called Charco Verde. Hopefully everything goes relatively smoothly but I will DEFINITELY update you on our travels when I get back.

In other news, I´ve done a complete turnaround in terms of health. I feel SO great and its almost like I was never sick. Its fantastic! On Canada Day we all went out to celebrate and I had, for the first time in weeks! two double mojitos. I know I know...but its Canada Day and we need to celebrate somehow! It was so much fun and it was nice to be out for the first time in so long and actually be able to enjoy myself.

Don´t interpret this as a countdown because through everything I´m mostly enjoying this experience, for it certainly is one. But as of yesterday we have exactly 6 weeks until we leave:

1. Finish this week.
2. Next week is Granada/ Isla de Ometepe; Brittany and Becca arrive on Thurdays
3. 3 more weeks of work - can´t wait because this means we get to do more workshops and maybe one or two more mantas
4. 1 week San Juan Del Sur
5. Then home!

However: I have recently been feeling very sad for some reason and finding myself really wishing I could home. I´m so conflicted about this because everyone tells me that at this point in my journey I should be wanting to stay here. But I don´t feel this way at all. It seems almost that I´ve done everything backwards; I was fine for the first 2-3 weeks and then I got sick, when its usually sick right away then fine; I was enjoying my time here in the beginning and being really positive but now, though I´m still being positive, I find myself very sad somedays and wishing I could be home. I don´t understand and I feel really bad and confused about this because I want to get so much out of this experience and if I feel this way, am I taking anything away from it?? Any advice or comments on this matter would be so helpful. I feel kind of like I´m failing and not appreciating this in someway. PLEASE HELP!

Uuummm....not much else to say until next week. Although, we have so many people in our house leaving us soon; Priti leaves next week (it feels like she just got here but its been 4 weeks already), then Rebecca and Margarite leave the week after and then possibly Tim. Its so sad because there will be none of our friends here for our goodbye party because we´ll have wished them farewell already! One thing I love about this trip though is how many great and fascinating people I´ve met and come to really be close with; that is one thing I will miss about Nicaragua, my house more specifically because its been through living with Edna that I´ve met almost all of these great people! I really hope that we can keep in touch or have become close enough that in a couple years time I can email them and say ¨Hey! I´m coming to see you!¨ Its weird how quickly you bond with people in these situations because everyone is equal and in the same boat. Great times have been had with new friends and I will miss this!

Ok. That´s all for now! Hasta luego and take care everyone - until next week!


Unknown said...

Dear Marissa,

Perhaps you’re looking at your feelings the wrong way. We think you have learned a great deal about the world you live in. In your latest update you mention the wonderful places you have been and the great people you have met. At other times you have mentioned the great sadness that exists in the area. We think you have displayed great courage and enthusiasm just to go to Nicaragua. You haven’t failed in anyway. You have passed with flying colours! To feel a little mixed up about your situation would be a normal learning curve in our opinion. You have gone from one extreme to another. Maybe you are understanding what a great country Canada is and how lucky you are to be citizen of it. You have the freedom to do almost anything you want here. Maybe you just miss it. Not homesick but just your routines here. Seven weeks is a fairly long time when you life has almost been turned around. Hang in you are doing fine.

Love Dad and Mom <3

Anonymous said...

Yo Marissa,

Good to hear that your medical situation has improved and that the sensory problems were just drug side effects (y)

As for not feeling completely happy about the trip right now, like your parents said, it may be your recognition that you've got it made in Canada. Even people who love their job and love going to work sometimes can't stop looking at the clock during the middle of the day because they wanna go home...And your situation is much more extreme, so it's natural and good job to you for doing this (y)

Unknown said...

I have beautiful home in Granada for rent or sale. Email me for pics and info.


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