I'm going to be honest here - I'm starting to freak out about my fundraising. I know I played it off before like I wasn't but I lied. I have no idea how I'm going to raise the rest of the money and that scares me a lot. I know a few people are already done or so close to done they can see the finish line. I have yet to cross the half-way marker. I know that my family has contributed significantly and I am so appreciative of that (so Thank you, again, if you are reading this!). But the reality is that I'm still $1,150.00 short. Le gasp! If anyone reading this has any suggestions I am all ears. Or if you think you're work my be feeling generous, remember to tell them that it is tax receitable.
The fundraising aspect of Beyond Borders has got to be the hardest or at least the second hardest part of this program (the hardest probably being the actual going away all summer). I realize that it is a good learning opportunity for you, in terms of learning how to fundraise and being resourceful but seriously. It frustrates me that I'm stuck and I don't know where to go or how to get out of it. I'm really hoping that something great will happen to point me in the right direction. I wanted to include a copy of my PowerPoint Presentation that I presented to the students of Star Academy. You'll find it attached below.
On another topic, I also wanted to share with you some links I found to newspapers from Nicaragua and articles relating to Nicaragua.
This article was published by the New York Times in 2007 and it talks about the growth in the Nicaragua tourist industry, detailing some noteworthy places to visit and the exotic culture that awaits you!
This article was published by BBC News in 2005 and reveals the somber reality of the culture of home abuse that is present in Nicaragua and its prevalence in the beautiful country.
Finally, this link will take you to the Nicaraguan Post, the online version of the country's newspaper. There is a diverse set of topics available here to read about. One interesting article is titled "Being A Kid in a Third World Country" - it really makes you think about the luxurious life we lead here in Canada.
I hope you enjoy the articles and the posted presentation!! Please spread the word about my fundraising efforts and if you think you can help let me know!
Later days :)
wow girly,
your blog looks great!
And my fingers are crossed about the fundraising!
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